19th JDC Holds Kick-Off Meeting for Pretrial Services Program with JMI

Following many years of planning, the day finally arrived for the kick-off meeting for the 19th JDC’s Pretrial Services Program. This is Day 1 of the beginning, and although there is much work remaining this is an incredibly exciting and meaningful time for the court.

The team from Justice Management Institute (JMI) visited the court for a few days to interview stakeholders in the criminal justice system. This process involved not only court staff, but also assistant district attorneys, public defenders, and community representatives as well. It is important to have the input from every group involved as the court designs its Pretrial Services Program. The goal is to develop a solid foundation that will stand the test of time.

We were overwhelmed with the interest and excitement shown by those in attendance. As the program develops further, there will be additional opportunities for groups to participate in the process.